Please register here for our Acorns sessions. 

Places for sessions are currently allocated on a first come first served basis

Our Acorns stay and play sessions are for families and carers with children under 5 years old. 

We are open to all on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  

A Families Only session on Wednesday's where Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles etc. accompany their children.

The sessions make good use of the new purpose built facilities of Westbourne Park Baptist Church, for children to play, learn, explore and socialise while parents and carers are encouraged to interact with them through a variety of activities.  

Tuesday: Music Making - We welcome Julie from Creative Futures to deliver two lively and interactive singing sessions.

Wednesday: Families Only play session. 

Thursday: Play - We have a free flow active play session using both halls.  

Friday: Creative Play/Messy Church

We would love to know what you think about our service and activities at Acorns.  Please let us know by clicking here to fill out a simple questionnaire.

Weekly Programme 

Term time only


10:00-10:45  Music & Movement  (More suitable for toddlers)

11.15-12.00  Music Making (More suitable for babies)

Wednesday                                             10:00-12:00   Families Only

Thursday                                                  10:00-12:00   Thursday Play  


10:00-10:55  Create & Play                

11:05-12:00  Messy Church 

Charge per session               

£1 Families               

£2 Childminders     

£3 Nannies 

If you have any questions please email Suna on: 

Parenting advice and support offered during and outside sessions.  Advice and support given for any age of child from 0-18.

If you would like any specific parenting advice please email Wendy on: